Tuesday 7 December 2021

My Cultures Summer learning journey

I am part Irish, European, Scottish, Maori, and English.

my dad is part Maori and European

my mum is part English 

my great-grandpa is Scottish Irish and English

my great-grandma is part English

and they all live in NZ (New Zealand)

What language do I speak?

I speak English and Maori

What does my family do for Fun?

my family we go on adventures and do bush walks.

Monday 6 December 2021

Summer learning journey 1

hi today we were with Takutai doing our summer learning journey and this is the first one to do
what we had to do for this what would we food would we bring  if we went on a boat i picked this stuff

Friday 12 November 2021

Diwali Diyas


hi this is my Diya the blue represents the ocean well the blake spots is fish in the outside it is land with people

Tuesday 2 November 2021

Rangoli pattern


hi this is my Rangoli pattern it is a thing they do for the celebration of Diwali they make this with different colors of sand
hope you enjoy:)

Tuesday 26 October 2021

Diwali vs matariki


hi this is my Diwali vs Matariki compare contrast
it was hard to search it because of the differences because id search for both and then get it mixed up
hope you enjoy

Monday 27 September 2021

limerick poem

 there once was a boy called jackson

he always showed a little bit of action 

he was very silly 

but then he ate a chilly

and now he cant be realaxon

hello this is called a limerick poem it is a poem that has syllables 

first second and last ones is 7-10  syllables 

and 3 and 4 is 5-7 syllables

hope u enjoy

Friday 24 September 2021



hi, I did this paralympic info for quite a while it was like what!
this was for 3 weeks I think and I didn't go that. but still good for a week info



hi today we had to do logos for maths and it took 2 or 3 days to do cause I didn't know then curtis said
Hope u enjoy

Thursday 23 September 2021

my cleirhew poem

there is a boy called jackson 

who showed a little bit of action

he was silly

like when you eat a chilli

hi this is my poem and this one is a cleirhew poem
you should try your self
first you do your name and then rhyme it with something about yourself after that do something what you do and then rhyme that
hope you enjoy

Tuesday 21 September 2021

my dogs poem





 hi today we were doing an acrostic poem my one is about dogs cause they are the best pet in the world

hope you enjoy

Thursday 9 September 2021

Back to school activity


Kia ora, Bonjour, Talofalava. hello. im jackson this is my blog post.
i liked this because i could say what my thoughts are about this
we did this because of lockdown now its level 2 here and sharing our thoughts on how we thought of this
hope you like it

Monday 6 September 2021

what do you meme


hello, this is, what do you meme?
i like this because the first one is true
this is pretty funny 
hope you enjoy!!

Wednesday 25 August 2021

word of the week


my word of the week is obligations i looked for the meaning and it said the action of obligating oneself to a course of action

Tuesday 24 August 2021

maths today


we did maths today on fractions i liked it it was cool and fun hope you enjoy

stay safe against covid and stay home!

Friday 13 August 2021

DLO maths

 WALT add fractions with the same denominator 

WALT subtract fractions

Hi I am jackson this is what I have learned this week in fractions

It was pretty hard I have to imitate I tried my best and got so I got 3 out of 4

I could always try basic facts at my home and get better and better

hope u enjoyed

Thursday 5 August 2021

Olympics research

What was the first Olympic task?

It started with boxing, running, hoplite race, pankration, four-horse

chariot race, pentathlon, wrestling, long-distance running, and 

double stade foot race,  

How did the Olympics start/when

The Olympic games started in the 3000 every four years 50,000 people

came to participate. The Greeks loved the sport so they made up theidea of the Olympics.

How does sport get into the


The Olympic games have expanded from 241 to more than 10,000

competitors since the original reestablishments in Athens with the 1896

games. Dozens of additions and changes have been made in the

Olympic program since 1896. 

What sports are there in the


There are a lot of sports like soccer, rugby, swimming, boxing and

basketball and 36 More!

All sports in Tokyo Olympic sport / 

Olympic Rings - Symbol of the Olympic Movementlookaside.fbsbx.com/lookaside/crawler/media/?me...

What country has the most medals?

The United States has 79 china in 2nd place with 70 and in third place for

the most medals is ROC

hi this is my Olympic research took me 2 weeks to do hope you enjoy

my favourite fact was when they started i was just amazed

Friday 9 July 2021

top 5 jobs


I picked these top 5 jobs cause one of them I really like and the rest I like this took me 2 days I didn't have enough time to finish it
so here you go here it is hope you enjoy

Friday 25 June 2021

my energy site



hi today I have made a potential energy site and it took me today I have been working hard on this and it has taken me most of the day. This is one of the hardest things I have done this term  hope you enjoy

(highlight the link and then ctrl c onto a different tab and press the enter then it'll go up into the site)

Thursday 24 June 2021


what is in there body?
 an octopus has 9 brains in its eight legs and 1 in the head and 3 hearts and they have blue blood.

how small can they get?
they could even fit through tiny holes like a coin-sized hole and their tentacles can control themselves.

what do they eat?
they eat clams, crabs, snails, small fish, and other octopods.

when were they discovered?
they are really talented and they were spotted 140 million years ago some people think they are aliens from somewhere but they are sea creatures from earth 

 this is my octopus writing this was hard we have done this the past 6 weeks I think hope you enjoy!

Tuesday 15 June 2021

Word of the week


my word of the week this was an interesting word this week it was hard 
but hope you enjoy

Wednesday 9 June 2021

word of the week


today we are doingour word of the weeks resillance this is what it means and found out hope you enjoy!!

Tuesday 8 June 2021

DLO suffix


hi guys this is a DLO of what is suffix?

Wednesday 5 May 2021

word of the week


this is my word of the week haughty. Haughty means proud of someone
anyways hope you enjoy

Tuesday 13 April 2021

Kenning poem.






Hi! this is my kenning poem it was fun cause I'm learning about poems it was fun writing it because I'm writing a poem and I haven't written one in a long time hope you enjoy!

and try guess what it is!

Monday 12 April 2021

letter to BOT

 why we need solar panels?

Hi! my name is Jackson 

and I'm in Whenua.

I think we get solar panels!


benefits of having solar panels

1. renewable energy source 

2. reduce electricity bills 

3. divirse applications

4. low maintenance cost 

5. technology development 


how can we get the money?

start more events to win prizes and put the money towards the solar panels 


why not?

why cant we have solar panels but we should so we can save more money to buy solar paneloverall s and maybe arts and crafts?

overall I think we should so we save money more to the electricity bills 

hope you enjoy reading this 

Thursday 8 April 2021



today we are learning about ANZAC day this is a book call tory the lucky tortoise this is a cool book about tory got run over and survived he lost toes and his shell was chipped
and hope you enjoy! by jackson

Wednesday 31 March 2021

solar energy

 How does Tokelau get energy?

How do the wind and sun affect your daily life?

How is it the sun's energy?

Well, its energy by Like most stars the sun is made up mostly of hydrogen and helium atoms in a plasma state the sun generates energy from a process called nuclear fusion hydrogen nuclei fuse to form one helium atom during the fusion process radiant energy is released.

How is the wind?

Wind turbines work on a simple principle instead of using electricity to make wind like a fan wind turbines use the wind to make electricity Wind turns the propeller-like blades of a turbine around a rotor which spins a generator which creates electricity.

in the past, two weeks we have been learning about solar energy and how it's made

it took me awhile to do but I hope you enjoy this


benefits of exercise


hi we did a year 7 vs year 8 whoever does the best benefits of fitness

Tuesday 30 March 2021

persuasive writing

 Class pet

Dear miss farr

                                                                                                                                                                           I am your student jackson.

I am writing you this because

 I want a class puppy it could be Alex

The first reason! 

Do you know how fun it would be to have a class puppy?

Well, it would be fun because we could teach it tricks and play with it to make it fit. We could go to the beach and run it around the field twice and make everyone love it! 

Second reason!

It would be great to have one if we did any way everyone won't be so bored you could say we can play with the pup if you guys do your work

Third reason!

Everyone would love it they would play with Alex and sit with Alex if he's lonely

If we do everyone would be respectful and help each other to finish so we could play with him

I think we should  it will be fun overall if we do that to make it fit and we fit is well filter than usually if you don't agree its find

by jackson

Wednesday 17 March 2021

Compare and Contrast

what we have been learning since week 5 was this I just finished because I have to stay away from my friends they distract me a lot what I liked about it was fun because I could search up about energy I have never learnt about it.

Wednesday 10 March 2021

word of the week


this is my word of the week it took a little bit to do but I enjoyed it a little
by jackson

Thursday 4 March 2021

my topic

 I and my brothers wanted a new dog, so we told our mum and dad and begged and begged and then we got a cute dog I didn't know it would be that cute we knew she was the right dog to pick she is a border collie when she was five months she was faster than my younger brother when she was 6 months she was faster than me when she was 1 year old she was faster than my older brother and now she is really fast she plays soccer with us and touch also she can step!! She's the best dog ever! she can run around my house in 12 seconds!

energy refletion


this is my reflection on energy this was hard I didn't know what to do till harry told me what to do so i did it and thanked him so i tried my best to finish this

Friday 26 February 2021

poem seasons



the sun reflects the earth gets boiling

everyone sweats

trying to cool down

winter chilly as snow

cald as ice

snowy hills

Thursday 25 February 2021

poem about what is special to you

 my pup tip

fury as a fox

with a hairy tail

smells like a stinky taco 

sounds like a howling wolf

looks like vanilla salted caramel